Sunday, November 20, 2011

Schizophrenia :O

Okay i think my disorder is getting worse, but i'm not so sure. Well err, aaaa yeah. First of all, here's what Schizophrenia means. Just check this link and read if you're not lazy, well you probably are lazy aren't you? Susah nak explain, cause you guys wont get it. I wanna tell you but i dont know how to explain my condition. So we have 2 problems here. I'm not good at these types of things, sorry. -_________-

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Me habitos. lol

The title doesn't really mean anything actually, i'm gonna post some stupid random stuff about me tonight. Hmm, so let's start. When i'm in a very and i really mean very very very cold place, the end of my fingers will start to itch and my body will err, nanti ada bintik bintik. Second, one week mesti wajib at least 2 days i will have a flu or selsema. My usual outfit that i wear when i'm at home, is SHORTS and SHIRTS/TANK TOPS. So, if you wanna surprise me datang raya tanpa my permission, DONT! Nanti aku kena tukar baju cepat cepat, if you called earlier, i would've have a lot of time to change my outfit. Err, tu jela kot that i wanna type for tonight. Ohyaa! and and and and my proudest secret is, i have freakin ABS! Which is very cool, i just knew about it a few months ago. Looks like me exercising everyday have some advantages. Haha, great now i cant stop smiling. Okay, i'm crazy. Bye. -.-

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


So, i've come to the point where i feel like i ain't got a reason to live. It's like the same damn routine everyday! Plus i've got no ambition, so i dont know what to do in life. At first when i was like 7years old i want to be an art or english teacher and then i feel like that job is kinda boring so i changed my ambition to fashion designer but i dont think i'll succeed in that and i changed again to lecturer and i dont do well when it comes to talking so now i dont know what i wanna do when i grow up. It's between a lawyer or architect, but being a lawyer is hard work so maybe i'm stuck with architect then. Hmm. You see what i mean here?! I dont know what to do in life. Okay tu dari segi pendidikan, sekolah and kerja. What about dari segi socially? I failed socially, i just cant deal with people very well. Like i said before, I HATE PEOPLE! I cant stand them, especially the ones that i barely know and they want to start a conversation with me and being a total fake complimenting me and stuff, but after the "get to know each other" stage they're true colors start to show. Unlike those people, i tend to show my true colors then be nice to them. So who can deal with my attitude are the ones that i'm okay with, err paham? Okay that's about friends, what about love life? Pfft, pahleeese! Dont get me started, well i'm not gonna start anyway. I dont want to talk about that, i hate the word LOVE. Unless kena mengena dengan family i'm okay, but ahh you get what i'm saying here right? Good. Okay, dah takda mood nak type. Bye -.-

Friday, August 26, 2011

Shed some tears

Okay, so it's RAYAAA! and everyone is happy, laughing, and stuff. But not me, i've been crying more than one day, that's more than once, new record bebeh. Well, i've got a lot and i really mean a lot of problems lately and i'm kinda sensitive. Like people always say, the one with the temper are always the most sensitive one(i think). I've got a feeling that raya this year ain't gonna be as fun as it used to be. Lots of emosi going on here, and i can't handle this pressure. Nobody understand what i'm going trough, i just want to be all alone just for 1 week or more. So, guess my plan to be happy and all ain't working so well huh? Hmm, we'll just have to wait and see then. Okay pepol, Selamat Hari Raya, lots of love Shahira Mahirah ~

Sunday, August 21, 2011




estoy aburrido, no me gusta :/

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Well, first of all I'M NOT DYSLEXIC okay. Cuma there's a missunderstood situation, that's all, haha. Time tu belajar AGAMA, and i sit kat depaaaaaann sekali. and ustazah suruh buat latihan, and sambil tulis tu bersembang dengan Ayu. and  tersilap tulis "Latihan" jadi "Litahan" and i thought to myself "Aaaah, pi mampoih ehh!" and i continue writing again. Then ustazah asked everyone to pass up the work, and i wasn't done yet and i copied Ayu's answers and i accidentaly wrote "Penulis" "Penilus" and again i said to myself "Lantaklahh. -.- " and i pass it up. Then blablabla and ustazah called my name and asked "SM, PENILUS ni apa?" "Saya tersalah tulis la ustazah, sorry." and Ayu menyampuk "Ustazah cuba tengok atas tu, Latihan pon jadi  LITAHAN" then sutazah said "Kamu nak jumpa counselor tak? Kamu ada masalah ni" i was like WATAHEL? and i said "Manada ustazah, tu tersalah je. Saya time tu tengah sembang dengan Ayu sambil tulis lah ustazah." and ustazah continued "Jumpa counselor, kamu ada masalah." and me "TAKKK, saya takda masalah" ustazah "Kamu disleksia ke?" (MAIGOD, ME?) "Tak ustazah, saya boleh baca la. :/ " ustazah "Hmm, okok." and i tell Ayu about that incident and she laughed like hell after hearing it. and habis masa "Terima kasih ustazah" and i sayed for the last time at ustazah "Saya tak disleksia tau ustazah" and she just smiled at me. AHHHHH! i dont wanna be the known as the disleksia girl to Ustazah Adibah. I'M THE AWESOME SHAHIRA MAHIRAH for crying out loud. Sheesh! Ohyaa, nak cerita something that doesnt have anything to do with this.  Ustazah said to me while i was doing her exercise and she said SM, kamu ni kan nama je Shahira Mahirah tapi tak mahir langsung! you know why i wanna type about that? CAUSE I LOVE THAT MOMENT, hmm i dont know why. Haha.Well, hopefully ustazah believe me that i'm not dyslexic, if not next year dalam SMKPA's Yearbook my face will be in the disleksia class. Bhahah, SMILE ! :D

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Shahira Mahirah Binti Mustafhkamal

I've got nothing to post anymore, so i decided to post about some of things that you maybe dont even know about Shahira Mahirah. Get ready to face the truth bebeh!
I hate people, i'm not friendly, i'm sensitive, i like to fantasize stupid situations, i usually dance and sing when i'm alone, I have low self confident, i'm obsessed with my hair, sometimes i hurt myself, i like talking to myself, i have an imaginary friend which is made up from my real friend but its imaginary(understandos?), i rather do guy stuff than girly stuff, once i did plan to kill myself, i hate it when i smile, i like staring and observing people, my brain always blackout for no reason, i want to cry for no reason but tak pernah terjadi, i hate myself sometimes, i hate making conversations because i dont know what to say, i have more than 3 personalities, i have thought of running away and go to some a mental hospital, i THINK i have Schizophrenia, i like people giving me nicknames although it sounds stupid, i love it when people say i'm WEIRD, CRAZY, FREAK, and more, the way i eat rice is different from other people, i like mixing food together and it turns out scrumptious, i have big eyes but i keep making a sleepy face, some of my relatives calls me GARFIELD because of my sleepy face, i hate making decisions and thinking, i'm lazy, i love cheese but only hot cheese not hot spicy but hot panas, i love fried chicken, i throw and break stuff when i'm mad, half the stuff that comes out my mouth doesnt even makes sence, no one can understand the way i think, i mostly like songs that have a deep meaning in the lyrics, sometimes i'm invincible to everyone and i hate that but sometimes i rather be invincible, i'm a racist especially towards INDIANS, i love the taste of blood, sometimes disgusting stuff looks fun to me, i hate being the same as other people, i feel like punching someone's face when they misspelled my name, i cant remember stuff so well, it takes me more than 2 minutes to tell what time it is, i love seeing other people suffer and

Friday, July 29, 2011

No ordinary dream, it's reality !

Well, today is Friday a few more days dah PUASA bebeh!! But kena ganti pulak dah, spoil. Haylahai. So back to topic, i had this dream about one of my guy friends. I think i had this dream on Tuesday, 26/25 July 2011. Btw, my dream it's becoming a reality, which is super awesome! Dah dua hari berturut-turut, just like and i mean exactly in my dream. It's awesome cause my dream is becoming a reality, but it's kinda awkward too be in that situation with one of my close guyfriends. Hmm, but still it's awesome! 

Monday, July 25, 2011

I'm all fired up, and ready to blow!

Yoyoyo dudets and dudas! So, my last post was all emotional and moody. Well, now i wanna stop being all moody and stuff. I want to be happy and crazy. Like today, i usually hate Mondays.. But well, today i think i'm the happiest person in my class. The ratio of people that cried today in my class is 4:31, i'm not one of those 4 and one of the 4 is a DUDAS. You know dudas? That means guy lah. Haha. I gotta be honest here, it aint easy to stop hating, cursing, and stuff. So, i have to let go some of the things that made me mad, stressed and unhappy. Maybe YOU are one of those things that make me stressed? Yes you. So, if i ignore you or something. You know why. Sejak dua menjak ni, my life has been kinda teratur? Yea, i guess that's the word i'm looking for. I exercise everyday, try not to sleep late, focus in school, try not to be moody at school, always smile, avoid stuff that makes me "bad", try tak tinggal solat and now i've been dancing alone in my room everyday before i go to school. Haha, i'm pathetic! Well, no one in this house knows that i'm doing all this stuff. But these stuff makes me healthier and it makes me happy mentally. It better to keep these stuff a secret from my family, nanti diorang semua pandang pelik dekat aku. Haha, they think i'm the not hardworking one, the malas one, the lazy bum and more. It's kinda true though, haha. So, get ready earth. The new and kinda improved Shahira Mahirah is gonna spread her wings cause she was a caterpillar now she's a beautiful butterfly bebeh! Now my new hobby is DANCING ALONE! Hahaha, me crazeh. Prublem? :p

Friday, July 15, 2011

Solitary, i want SOLITARY !

Okay, so today i'm suppose to go to this Rumah Anak Yatim with my neighbors and such. Well, like usual i'm too lazy to go and do some work and help and walk and stuff. So, this morning a few minutes ago, i beg my mom that i don't wanna go. Thank god i didn't go today. But then my mom said i must go next week, wajib. Ternyata benda alah ni bukan sekali ja, berkali-kali pegi sana! Dammit, i feel like slapping everyone that i can see at that moment. So, now i cant do anything about it. Argh, i cant describe the hatred that i'm feeling everyday of my life! I keep getting depressed for some reason and sometimes no reason, what the hell is wrong with this world and me?! Sometimes i feel like sleeping beauty, i wanna sleep for a long time and then wake up. Now, i dont even call this house that i'm living in as my HOME, this is a house that i live in with my family and my noisy and annoying maid. I just want to go away from here, buy my own house away from this too friendly neighborhood. I want to live in that house all alone, with no one not even my sister. That's all i want right now, i dont even want to come back here every time school ends. Seriously, I HATE PEOPLE! I dont like being around them, i dont like talking to them, and i dont like seeing them. I know, i'm a "people" too. But why should i hate myself? Hmm, i dont know why i hate people so much. Some of them just annoys me, without they move or do anything! Oh, when can i achieve my dream of being alone all my life? All i want is ONE SOLITARY LIFE, it's not that hard to fulfill. Hmm, well my friends are people too. But i love them cause they sometimes understands me, but sometimes i just wanna get away from them. Yea, so if you're my friend, jangan terasa. I do hate people, but i still love all my friends, but some of my friends i like and some i hate. Haha. What? You think i'm overreacting? Well, you dont even know what i am. Nobody but Shahira Mahirah understands how my mind works, not my sister, not my twin, not my bestfriend, not my friends, not my parents, and especially not my maid. My mind is complex, you cant figure it out even if i gave you a manual for it. Since i was..well i dont know 6 i think. I've been a LONER, and since standard four or five it changed cause of my friends. Now, i'm Form 2, and the loner inside me, the real me, is coming back. Yea, i ain't my sis, the one that is talkative the one that adults like, the one that's not shy, the one that controls the situation, the one that's EVERYTHING. I'm the one that i dont care what you wanna do, the one that dont wanna think much, the one that hate talking, the one that ain't so friendly. That's why i hate being around people, especially adults. I rather talk to a wall or door, rather than talking to some human. So, i wanna say something to my parents if they read this post. Guys, i know i'm starting to be rude and stuff. But i cant help to stand and fight for what i want and what i think is right. Yes, this is stupid i know. But i hate how you treat my as if i can do what Shasha can, well i cant! I hate speaking, i hate being center of attention, i hate people, i hate competitions, i hate helping, and did i typed i hate people? Please, just leave me be and just see what i'll do to my own life. I dont want you to control me, yea i know you guys are my parents but i dont want that. I wanna learn my own lessons, i wanna learn it the hard way, i dont want you treating me like Shasha, i dont want that. I wanna see what my life will be without anyone but Shahira Mahirah controlling it. Please guys, leave me and watch the results. Can you do that, just this lifetime, pleasee! I cant say this face-to-face with them know. Kau sanggup cakap macamtu dekat parents korang? Well, maybe some of you can, but i cant. I hate being rude, i hate "melawan", "menjawab" and stuff. I rather keep quiet than speak and tell what's on my mind. But now i just cant stand it anymore, i just have to say what's on my mind even though doing that makes me look like i'm being rude with my parents and such. So, all i'm asking is for a solitary life. I just want to be alone! Not that hard ain't it?

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Watch Collector

Suddenly i have an urge to collect watches, it'll be super awesome if i have a huge collection. I wanna collect any kind of brands, pasar malam punya pon jadila. As long as it's an object that shows time. I'm in love with SWATCH WATCH! I've been dreaming of buying one out of these three watches by Jeremy Scott. 

I really really really want one of these watches, especially the Yellow Lightning one! Oooh, and this one watch from SUCK UK. There's this watch called Paper Watch, it's plain white and you can draw on the watch. It's so awesome !


There's also these watches called NAVA TIME watches. They're (yes, you guessed it) awesome! There's black, white, orange, blue, and idk what more colors. Not only these nava time has watches, they also have clocks that are really cool! These down here are called ICON watch, i dunno anything about those. They have clocks too, and aren't they just cute?

Well, i dont have anymore watches to show you. So, these are my faves! Please, if you do care about me and my needs. BUY ME ONE OF THESE, or just buy any watch for my birthday. Thank you and i love you (only if you buy me a watch). Hohoh, just kidding. But seriously, buy me one. (;

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm angry, i'm angry because of Angry Birds. You know that game where you kinda like throw those birds at some UGLY STUPID HIDEOUS GREEN PIGS, and you'll eventually get mad because those UGLY STUPID HIDEOUS GREEN PIGS won't die! If you're someone like me, a high tempered person i'm warning you right now. DO NOT PLAY THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT KINDA ADDICTING GAME. It will give you nothing but pain, misery, but sometimes happiness, joy, mix with a little sad, sorrow, disappointment, and sooner or later you'll end up in a room covered with soft stuff that i dont remember what it called. I punch lots of stuff while playing that stupid good for nothing game, sorry stuff that i punch! Yea, so listen to Shahira Mahirah here. Do not, i repeat DO NOT PLAY THE GAME CALLED ANGRY BIRDS !




Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Awesome !

The song that was on my blog Spose - I'm Awesome really relates to me, cause some of the stuff in the song's lyrics describe me. I'm nothing special but i'm awesome. Why am i awesome? It's is because i say that i am and i know i am awesome. P/S: I'm not lying. :p

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bad-mood Week

Gosh, i dunno why but this whole week i've been frowning and doing The Stare a lot! Firstly, i wanna say sorry to Mohar. Lembu, sorry aku buat The Stare tu kat kau for 2 days. Sapa suruh cari pasal dengan aku time Bad-mood Week haa? Padan muka! Back to this post: Time hari Khamis lagi tambah bad-mood nya, with my fight with someone and tambah dengan kena food poisoning lagi. Macam-macamlah jadi! I'm happy around specific people, cause they always make me smile. (yea, you know who they are) Btw, this Thursday i can't describe how i felt during the whole day. It kept changing every minute, and bila lepas sekolah bukak lappy online and i'll open YouTube then listen to sad and depressing songs, something like that laah. It makes me more depressing and sad, which i kinda like. Err. . .GOT NOTHING MORE  TO SAY HERE.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nicknames :D

Well, today i'm gonna talk/post about some of the nicknames that some of the people around me calls me with. I dont remember all of them, so i'm going to list down some of them. Some of the names are about the same, and some of them no one uses them anymore. But like i said, ALL OF THEM (that i remember).

SM, Lady Gaga, Shahuluk Mahuluk, Shiela Majid,  Katy Perry Majid, Shahiroot, Kicap, Kicap Shorty, Shorty, Apple, Shah, Manirah, Mahiran, Huluk, Mahi-mahi, Mahirah Shahira, Shahira, Esem, ASSem, Kwashiokor, Bibik Saro, Budak Comel, Janda Nepal, Mahirah Ozawa, Dewi Merapu, Adik Sahira, Sahiraaaa, Sahora, Shahir Mahir, Mahir-AH, Kakak Ya, Kakak Adik, Adik, Shera, Shira, Sam, Manly, Bugsy, Shiro Miro, Bucket of Awesomeness, Smahirahahah, BOONCHULAIKANASEPTAKON, Gucci, Awesome, Budak Awesome, Budak Hot, Mata Besar, Pendek, Ping-Pong Eyes, YUNK, Mahilingam, Weng-Wengzz, Se* Maniac, Shit Melekit, Shit Melekat, Pinky, Adik Shasha, Kembar Ayu, Janda Kaki, KAKI. 

Well, those are the names that i can remember. Some of them i love, some i like, some i kinda like, some kinda hate, and some i really hate! If i remember more of the names that people call me, i'll type it in. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Love songs . .

Uhhh, idk why but time cuti ni most of the songs i'm listening to is LOVE SONGS! Shasha's like "Awwww, sweet la lagu ni. Comei and BLABLABLA" and i'm like "Urh." and I realised that i cant really relate to some of those songs. But those songs are . .  how do you say it? Argh, senang cerita lagu tu sedap. Haaaa, malas nak speaking ni. Haha, boithahway have a nice holiday. Yea aku tau dah nak habis, salah ka aku nak kau ada nice holiday? Sheesh man/woman! Opppss, dah tukar topic. :p

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Well, i gotta be honest. I GOT NOTHING TO SAY HERE. Like people said, my life isn't interesting, i ain't got no life, my life is meaningless and etc. Maybe that's why my blog isn't as interesting as some other people's. Hmmm . . . :/

Monday, May 23, 2011


OhMaiGod! Why everything and everyone is getting louder and louder and louder these days?! "AAAAHHH" here, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA" there, "@(#%$&!)#&$%%&@*#$" everyhere! Before this, i would love to join the chaos. But now, it's just plain stupid. At home havoc, at school riot. Where can i have peace and quiet if everywhere i turn it's freaking loud and noisy? So, please pepol. To make me a happy human being that's having a peaceful life, please just please SHAAAADDAAAAAPPPP!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ho ho hoiii! Wahai wanita yg aku anggap bukan lagi kawan aku, awat kau menggedik lagi kat aku haaa. Sapa yg haritu cakap aku ni sombong and kau dah takmau kawan dengan aku kat dunia and akhirat? Sapa yg dok kutuk-kutuk aku kat orang lain? Sapa haa? Sapa? ANDA lahh! (Bukan anda yg tengah baca ni, tapi anda yg bersalah di situasi ni). Jumpa aku haritu kat sekolah buat muka kat aku macam datin banyak duit pandang rendah kat orang miskin jaa. Kau pikir aku nak sangat kawan dengan kau? Kau dok cakap pasal laki yg kau minat tu kat aku, aku dengar tak dengar. Plus, the way you talk is like DAMN. Kenapa nak kena buat suara macamtu? Pikir comelah buat suara macam budak kecik tercekik katak? I feel like slapping you with a table every time you open your mouth. Then suddenly, kau comment somewhere kat something in facebook? You even gave me a very nice comment too, why? Did you forgot your own words that you said to i dont know how many people the other day? This worthless story about you doesn't even worth a Post Title in my blog. Just go to the place where people call HELL with that stupid annoying fake laugh and voice of yours dummy!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

N3RD5 ?

Nerds, they're adorable and they kinda attract me. Haha, it's weird right? But it's true. Well, not all nerds are adorable, some of them are. Nerds, usually have blurr and "what's going on" faces. But at my school there are lost of nerds that are cute. lol. The thing i like most about nerds are, SPECS! I like looking at people wearing them, like looking at them, like wearing them, i like specs. But, for some people. I hate them, even if they wear specs. I just posted this cause i suddenly thought of wearing specs, and i'm bored in the middle of the night. To all nerds, stay awesome! :B

Thursday, May 5, 2011

boys -.-"

Well, today's topic is BOYS. I'm not talking about the good stuff, but the bad ones! There are 3 guys at my school, oh hell. BLUE gila nak mampoih! I'm just gonna tell you the unprivate part of the story. Well, they like to watch our(girls) backside and idk la apa yg diorang bisik at each other, but after that they'll laugh. Two of my friends are the victim of the "backside stare". (lol) Btw, i can't let that happen and dont give a damn about it. So, i planned that if any man/boy/dude/guy/male human do any "stunts" or look at any of my friend's body part. I'm willing to do the same exact thing to them! I already did it to those 3 dudes, i give them the "backside stare" . Rasanya diorang tak sedar kot, kot. But whatever laah. Bukannya apa pon kann? Actually, ni hanya kerapuan semata-mata. Sekian terima kasih! (;

Monday, May 2, 2011

Shahira and Shasha; Tomboy and Girly-Girl.

I admit it, i am a bit sorta kinda like a tomboy. But i'm not! I'm just not a perfect girl, i dont like the color PINK. Yea, so what? I love doing stuff that makes me dirty, but IM STILL AN AWESOME GIRL! Well, kalau nak banding dengan kakak aku tu memang la aku nampak macam tomboy. We're different, i mean totally different! Here are some differences of both of us.

SHASHA: Dia suka color PINK, suka dress and skirts, she love texting with boys, tak suka buat benda-benda yg bagi baju/muka or anything kotor, tak suka and tak reti main video-game, suka makeup, camwhore, taktau berapa juta kali dia dah couple, suka high heels, always cares what her face looks like (selalu kena cantik). Senang cerita, dia GIRLY-GIRL !

SHAHIRA: Suka color PURPLE, suka T-shirt and seluar, phone jarang guna letak pon entah mana, suka buat benda yg bagi badan berpeluh (lol), i'm damn awesome in video-games, makeup? no way, eye liner and mascara cukup, jangan tangkap gambaq muka aku, proud to say "i've never had a boyfriend in my life.", flats, flip-flop, and sneakers ja, muka aku nak jadi macamana jadi la. Senang cerita, aku AWESOME in my own way.


Sunday, May 1, 2011


Tiba-tiba aku rasa macam nak nangis, aku taktau kenapa. I feel soo sad right now, and the weird thing is i dunno why! I think that's all that i have to say, nothing else. Tata~ :(

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Awesome gila, ada sorang kawan aku ni nama dia FARINA FADZIL she's soo sweet. She's happy and smiling all the time, but she's got a major temper. Worst than mine in fact! But she's still my BUCKET OF RAINBOWS !

Ain't she cute as a button? I just love her, sejak menjak ni dia dok buat PLUSH. Cute gila nak mampos!! Tak tahan aku tengok. Rasa macam nak tumbuk-tumbuk.

Plushies are damn cute, some are weird. But that what makes it awesome! I love the ones with small mouth and big ol' eyes! O.O


Monday, April 18, 2011


Aku nak kau mati. Please, mati. Boleh dakk? Thank you (kalau kau jawab YES) Banyaklah orang yang aku nak bunuh, sekali dengan Bibik Saro tu. Benci aku dengan pompuan tu, mak bapak aku bayar dia suruh buat kerja kann? Dia malas nak buat, shit la kau! Pastu nak menggedik pulak, dahla penakut. Kena teman pegi dapur and mana-mana jelah, bila orang tak teman nak nangis. Meh sini aku sepak muka kau, baru kau boleh nangis!
Well, mostly manusia yang aku nak bunuh tu pompuan, laki pon ada. Adults, teens and even children ada dalam list tu. So, if someone attacks you, tried to kill you or killed you. It'll probably be ME !

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sialan Menjelmaa!

Woi wanita! Kau tu apahal? Tergedik-gedik macam maknyah tengah pilih rambut palsu kat kedai. Kau tak habis-habis dengan benda alah kau tu, aku taknak cakap apa benda. Cause kau follow aku punya blog, taknak la bagi sapa-sapa terasa. I know i'm evil, but aku tak suka sangat la cari pasal. Malas kau tau! From darjah berapa entah aku start benci kau, sampai la sekarang. Aku taktau la kenapa aku benci sangat kat kau, SECARA SEMULA JADINYA kau bagi aku benci diri kau yg bangang tu. Setiap kali kau buat lawak, semua gelak. Eh tak semua, KECUALI AKU! Haaaa, bukan kau sorang ja yg aku benci. Minah yg duduk sebelah kau punya depan kat kelas pon aku benci. Paham? Tak paham sudah. Minah lagi sorang tu lagi macam kimakk! Dasar babi tak sedar diri. Dia haritu cakap yg dia tak benci sapa-sapa kat hidup dia, then tiba-tiba dia cakap kat aku tanpa sebab yg sorang mamat tu budak paling babi yg dia pernah kenal. Then, semua benda yg dia buat lawak. Cacat ka apa bangladesh tu? Jap jap "HAHAHAHAH" jap jap "HAHAHAHAHAHA" nak ja aku sumbat stoking aku dalam mulut engkau, lagi berfaedah. Dahla macam sial perangai, dok menggatai kat laki. Hang ingat hang tu lawa sangat ka yg nak menggatai kat depa tu? Aku lagi lawa. (Haha, cehh!) For some reason, kau pon sama jugak. SECARA SEMULA JADINYA aku benci kat kau. Maybe some of the people that are reading this post maybe just maybe kenal orang-orang yg aku cakapkan ni. But, nak buat macamana? Aku benci diorang, kau takleh halang aku. Kalau kau halang, aku sepak kau! Paham?!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My own fights !

Korang pandai kann? Pandai baca kann? Pandai baca dalam English dokk? Kalau korang jawab YES kat ketiga-tiga soalan aku tu, bagus! Yea, fights. I love fights ! They're just soo damn hell awesome! Especially if i'm involved. Haha. But tengok la keadaan kalau pergadohan tu aku rasa mcm nak masuk campur, count me in! Aku nak cerita pasal pergaduhan-pergaduhan aku yg lalu, start from the first fight ever. Cehh!

2006/Time Darjah 3: Ni first gadoh aku kot, maybe la. Aku mana ingat sangat. I call this fight "Legam Babi Takda Kerja". Aku gadoh dengan budak INDIA. Freakin hina lah mamat tu, bajet gangster konon. Datang sekolah pakai raincoat  color biru bukannya hujan. Bodo! Ok, aku start cerita. Time tu aku tengah duduk mcm orang normal dalam kelas kat meja aku, buat kerja. Aku rasa aku ddok kat tepi tingkap tak silap aku laah. Tiba-tiba dia pegi kat tingkap tu, and amik pencil box aku. Yg aku peliknya, cikgu aku tu bodo sangat apahal? Dia bukannya nk marah legam sial tu sbb keluar kelas. TAIK LEMBU ! Bila dia amik ja pencil box aku, aku jerit la. (tak ingat jerit apa). Then BLURR, aku dh tak ingat cerita. Haha, sorry. I know it wasn't that big of a deal rite? But tu sejarah dalam hidup aku. Hahaha. But kalau dia hidup lagi depan mata aku sekarang dh lama aku bagi pecah spec bangang dia tu! DAMN YOU VITAMIN C!! (aku tak ingat nama dia, but aku tau nama dia mula dpda V)


2010/Time Form 1(Fight 1): Ni aku panggil  "The Misunderstood Crazy Loco". Time ni si mulut becok tu baru masok kelas 1Amanah. Time tu banyak gila orang benci dia, sekali dengan aku pon naik benci. But sekarang ni, aku dah okay LA JUGAK dengan dia. Time tu hari si becok tu bertugas, aku pon suruh la dia sapu. (saja nk bagi seksa hidup dia) Aku bagi dia penyapu and penyodok, then dia amik and "blaa" dengan muka annoyed. Aku bukannya kesah dia nk buat muka annoyed ka, muka kena lenyek lori ka, lantak ahh! Then, dalam beberapa minit kemudian. Aku nampak si becok tu NANGIS, aku pon tanya la sorang ni kenapa dia nangis. Then pompuan1# tu cakap "takde pape", takde pape kepala hantok mu! Then aku nampak pompuan1# tu dah pandang tempat lain, aku cakap FUCK kat dia tanpa mengeluarkan bunyi. (yea, i know im bad) Then aku tanya la pompuan2#, pompuan2# ni baik sikit. Dia bagitau aku benda yg betol, cause dia takot kat aku. (lol) Pompuan2# cakap becok nangis disebabkan aku. I was like "WHATTHAA?!" Aku bagi penyapu and penyodok pon nak nangis macam pondan hilang makeup? Then pompuan3# menyampuk dia cakap yg becok nangis cause aku cakap FUCK kat dia. Aku pikir balik, bila masa aku cakap FUCK kat becok? Kat pompuan1# adala, tu pon time dia nangis. Pelik aku dengan si becok tu. Time balik aku pandak slack ja kat dia, pompuan2# tengok aku and tanya "Kenapa shahira? Kau marah kat aku ke? Sorry la weh, jangan pandang aku cmtu. aku takot." Hahahah, suka gila moment tu. But dalam beberapa hari kemudian aku and becok dah berbaik. Macamana kita berbaik? Cause si becok bagi surat kat aku, macam surat cinta dohh. Dia siap bagi sebab kenapa dia nk kawan dengan aku and dia just nk luahkan perasaan lah. Like hell dohh! Hahaha. Sampai sekarang, aku taktau reason yg betol macamana dia boleh nangis.

2010/Time Form 1(Fight 2): Fuhhh! Ni la fight of the century untuk aku la. Manala tau tah tahun ni ada fight yg lagi gempak kann? Haha. Well, i call this fight "The Simbahan" nak tau kenapa? Of course ada kena mengena dgn simbah-simbah air. Orang yg terlibat dalam ni ialah Shahira Mahirah, Iqbal Romes, Danish Dx. Well, danish tu tak sangat, but still terlibat jugak. Dia yg start semua benda ni. Aku takmau la cerita dpda first, cause tu PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL ! Aku cerita part simbahan tu bermula naa. So, adala satu benda ni yg danish buat kat aku dua kali sampai aku jadi marah. First time aku malas nak amik tau, then 2nd time aku marah gila laah. Then aku diam jap, nak tenangkan fikiran. Suddenly, ada sorang ni (takleh bgitau sapa) cakap kat aku suruh simbah air kat danish. Aku pon rasa mcm "pumped up", cause kalau aku buat cmtu mesti cool gila. Haha. So, Wani/Nao bagi aku air dia secara sukarela. Then aku pegi kat kelas danish tu, aku tak sure bila nk simbah air tu kat dia. Secara tiba-tibanya, aku simbah without thinking anything. In my mind i was like "WHOAAA!! Aku baru simbah air kat orang yg aku tak berapa nk kenal but kenal." Lepas aku simbah tu ja, aku "blaa". Time aku "blaa", aku dengar iqbal cakap "SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!". Aku dapat pikir yg dia kena air tu jugak, but bagus la dia kena. Dia tu kinda like mi arch-nemesis, we're enemies and belive it or not, i dunno why we're enemies in the first place. But who cares? Syok la ada enemy. Ok, then hari sama tu jugak time balik AKU PULAK KENA SIMBAH. Sapa simbah aku? Iqbal tu jugak yg simbah, then aku berdiri depan dia and tolak dia, lepas tu dia baling botol tu kat aku. Time tu kitorang kat depan gate sekolah. Yang aku tak puas hati tu, kenapa iqbal yg simbah? Aku tak simbah kat dia kann? Just terkena air sikit ja nak over. Then aku cari dia kat gerai-gerai, aku pinjam air sorang kawan aku ni. Aku simbah kat iqbal tu, time dia tengah lintas jalan. Habis kena kereta makcik mana entah. SORRY MAKCIK MANA ENTAH! Then aku "blaa", cause van aku dh datang. Time aku jalan pegi kat van aku tu, si iqbal tu pegi tumbuk or something kat belakang kepala aku. Gila babeng sakit dohh! Aku pon nak buat apa lagi? Aku balik jela, macam biasa. Then sambong gadoh kat FB pulak. Haha. Esoknya, aku rasa kepala aku lebam. Walaupon kepala aku lebam, that fight was kinda cool. ;D

2011/Time Form 2: Ni aku panggil "Squidward kena Goreng". Ni lagi sorang budak baru yg aku gadoh. aku memang takleh get along dgn budak baru laah. Aku tak sure kanapa aku benci dengan dia, satu kelas tak suka dia. Aku plan nak kenakan dia, just benda kecik jala. Like letak gam kat kerusi dia or apa ka. Dh plan dah, just tunggu time ja. Asyik delay ja. Then suddenly, aku taktau kenapa Ayu suruh buat. Aku pon pegi kat meja squidward and letak gam. Budak laki ada dalam kelas time tu, diorang tengok ja aku buat. Lepas tu diorang join aku kenakan squidward. Time tu, sebelum rehat. Then, lepas rehat. BLABLABLA dia bising kat budak laki. Suddenly adala sorang laki sial ni, dia pegi bagitau yg Ayu letak gam. Kesian ayu, aku yg buat dia pulak kena. Then time solat asar, sorang pompuan ni which is pompuan3#. Pompuan3# tu pegi kat aku and tanya dengan nada yg dikenali sebagai marah, dia tanya "Shahira, kau ke yg letak gam kat kerusi squidward? Budak laki cakap" Then aku cakap "Ha'ah. Kenapa?" BLABLABLA. Korang takyah taula. Then, time balik aku terpaksa mintak maaf kat squidward bangang tu, cause adala sebab-sebab tertentu. Actually, aku pening la dengan pergaduhan ni. Aku yg terlibat ni pening, lagi la kalau korang yg baca post ni kann? Sorry kalau tak paham kay.


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My new job as a Blog Creator.

Haha, tak sangka orang suruh aku? Yea, AKU untuk buat blog diorang. Bapak cool dohh! Actually aku nk buat confession, yg mintak tu 2 orang jaa. Bhahahaha! Takpa, aku suka buat cerita gempak! First "customer" aku is my cousin. Nama dia Faresh Iqmal. Yeh, maybe korang tak kenal. Tak kenal sudah! Dia punya aku cuma buat simple-simple ja, aku mana la tau laki suka mcmana. Plus aku bukannya Pro Blog Creator pon. Then, my 2nd "customer" is my classmate Deena Maisarah. Dia suruh aku buat blog untuk dia, which i haven't done yet since now. Aku tak ingat la bila dia suruh aku, but aku tau aku tak buat-buat lagi blog untuk dia. SORRY DEENA! Bukan sebab aku malas, but ada problem dengan email dia. Not my fault. Yeah, ni ja yg aku nak cerita. Saja nk update blog dengan cerita tak memberi faedah ni. 

Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm a Stalker and maybe so are you !

Yo yo people of earth and aliens and other creatures! I wanna make a confession, I'M A STALKER !!
You can read rite? Sudah terbukti ke-stalkeran Shahira Mahirah. Lots of people wonder how the hell can i know lots of information about him/her/it/them. It's kinda awesome, getting to know that some people thinks that way about you. lol. Ok, so i dunno when i started being a First Class Stalker. It just happens. I'm well known for my Pandangan Maut. Damn it's AWESOME! Sekarang ni hampir 10 orang takut dengan Pandangan Maut aku tu. AWESOME kann? Yea, i know. ;D
But you, yea you! You're a stalker too. Tak percaya? Look at you now, your reading my blog and maybe following me. Tu dikirakan stalking jugak laa! Hapa laaa! 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ayu Mazuin.

Hello people that's reading this. Wanna know who is that Ayu Mazuin girl? Well, she is my TWIN. Yes, my TWIN, don't believe me? Then go lick your armpit. lol
Well, yeah. She's my TWIN, not blood related but brain and other stuff. We have a napkin a.k.a spender (what me, ayu and some other girls call our napkin) the SAME COLOR. Yehh! Kitorang ni TWINS!! I'm gonna tell you more about us. Ayu is HEBAT, while i am AWESOME. She likes the color PURPLE and so do i. Otak dia sama mcm aku, maksod aku mcm pikir benda sama laah. Bak kata budak-budak OTAK BLUE. -.-"
Kalau aku tak siap homework confirm Ayu pon tak siap, without any planning. Nak buat cmna? Dah TWINS kann? Haha. Kitorang kalau pegi mana-mana mesti kena Shahira and Ayu, bukan just Ayu and bukan just Shahira, but both our names mesti ada. Plus, ayat yg kita guna. I use Taik Anjing, and Ayu use Taik Kucing. Kitorang start berTWINS ni lepas Ustazah Adibah cakap "Ishh, Ayu dgn Shahira ni otak sama tapi badan je saiz lain." time ustazah tengah bagi kertas periksa and markah kitorang sama. Haritu, Ustazah Adibah cakap nk tukar tempat dduk. So, pikir la nk letak sapa kat mana. Then Ustazah cakap yg Ayu kena duduk belakang and aku duduk depan dia. Ayu lari kat aku then dia ckap dgn MATA BERAIR "Shahira, aku ngan kau tak ddok same-same. Aku ddok belakang kau ddok depan aku." and i was like "Whathaa!!?" aku teros berdebat. No way i'm sitting with anyone besides Ayu. Pastu Ustazah tak bagi kitorang ddok sama-sama, then aku malas nk hadap muka sapa-sapa yg plan tempat ddok tu aku BLAA ! Aku ddok tmpat duduk dgn diam and suddenly i shed a tear. Aku pon taktau kenapa aku nangis just cause aku and Ayu tak dduk sama-sama. So, aku and Ayu looked at each other and we both Shed A Tear. Deena, Farina, Intan/Melmo, and Amira Jamil cakap "Korang ni mmng best friend gila laah!" and i tought "Whoa! Why the hell am i crying? and why is she crying too? I never tought i would be so close with Ayu." 
Yea, i'm very luck to have a friend that i can even call my TWIN. Too bad i'm probably gonna leave her soon, not only Ayu but he whole Puncak Alam. But time Form4 or Form5 laah. 

Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am a Buck Toothed Girl and I'm proud !

I'm proud to be a Buck Toothed Girl. Here's why. First, can you see that picture up there? Do you know who's teeth is that? It's Lady Gaga's teeth ! Hoyeaahhh, she's just like me. She too is a Bucked Tooth Girl. It's damn Lady Gaga people. Masa tu dia ada cakap yg dulu dia selalu kena ejek sbb gigi dia tu then dia ckap suruh tengok dia sekarang, ada dekat cover magazine dohh! (something like that. you paham-paham jela eh?)

Haaaa! Here's another celeb that's a Buck Toothed Girl too. Nama dia Jessie J. Aku suka gila lagu-lagu dia. Damn awesome !!! (Y)

Dulu aku plan nak pakai BRACES, but tak jadi. Sebab aku tanya orang yg pakai braces semua cakap sakit. Mmng la sakit, aku tau laa! But... alaaa!!! Lagi satu reason sbb tak jadi cause aku rasa macam tak perlu. Lantak la orang nak ejek aku Rabbit, Tupai, Gigi Besar, etc. Tah, korang yg ejek tu lagi HINA dari aku, mcm TAIK ANJING!!! Mula-mula aku plan nk pakai sebab aku rasa braces tu cantik and kinda cool. Rasa mcm syok kalau pakai. But, setakat tu ja baik takyah rite? I'm awesome just the way i am, with braces or without them. Kalau engkau ejek aku mesti engkau jelaous, aku tau laa! Bhahaha :p

Saturday, February 26, 2011

E X A M !!

Ooh shoot! It's coming, the thing that we have to take that ask us to hold a pen or pencil and write down or color a circle on a piece of paper. Hell yeah! It's the EXAM!! 
Hadomak, aku tak prepare apa-apa lagi dohh. Study pon tak sangat, takot aku. Plus, parents aku cakap kalau aku tak dapat 5A diorang tarik Lappy Kesayangan aku nii! Alaaa, nanti aku nak online guna apa? Guna jamban? Nak nangis akuu! :'(

Sekarang aku kena STUDYSTUDYSTUDY!! EXAM wehh, kau jangan mein-mein. Lappy aku kena tarik kang, aku pegi sepak sapa yang kacau aku study tuu. Allahuakhbar, aku paling takot Math, Geo, Sejarah and maybe Science. Ada lagi kot yang aku takot, but entahla. Buat masa ni, tu ja. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

I miss the good old days. :'(

Oh, damn. How i miss the good old days. Where everything was sunshine and happy and stuff. When we were kids, everything was going the way we wanted it to be. All the grown ups are the ones who're always wrong, and we are right. I miss that so much! Now i'm 14, i'm a teenager. All the things that i do will always be wrong. I have to clean up after my little bro and sis. I always fight with my brother, i don't really know why. But he keeps pissing me off! I sometimes feel like killling him. Life as a teen is very hard, and all of the teenagers that are reading this probably would have known that. Our parents don't agree with us, it's like the circle of nature. Even when we are right they think that we are wrong. But what can we do? If we say anything they will ground us rite? We can't win in any ways! Us teens have an awful life. I don't care if you wanna act like your life is perfect and wonderful, but i know that you must be suffering inside. When we were small, we played outside. Now we just sit inside using the computer or doing our homework! Argh! homeworks, don't even get me started on homeworks. They are just a pain in the neck!

Now, kids are acting more like teens. They are getting shorter and ruder, i read that at somewhere. Kids now days have BF and GF. What's up with that? Some of the 4th and 3rd graders in my van can swear and cuss. Who the hell teach them those words? I blame their parents but mostly their brothers and sisters. 

Some of you may have seen this pic before right? How rude is this damn kid! Dulu, budak-budak baik ja, taktau apa-apa pon. Taik pon makan, sekarang perangai macam apa entah. Semua benda dia tahu, semua perkataan dia tahu. Ish ish ishh, apa nak jadi haa? Even my lil bro is one of these rude kids. Maybe this is the reason why sometime i feel like killling him. But who knows rite? Anyway, i just wish that i can turn back time and have fun when i was little. Where i dont even know the meaning of STRESS.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


OMFH! NeverShoutNever/ Never Shout Never. Damn, i admire the lead singer.
He looks just like JORDAN WITZIGREUTER <3 
Jordan is from The Ready Set, i admire him too. Especially his two front teeth. Awww! damn cute!

Arrgghhhhh! they aree sooo cute! both of them look almost the same. and both of them are really really close, i dunno if they're brothers or cousins or even close friends. but who cares, as long as they're cutee!

Chris is the one wearing the GREEN hat, and the other one is Jordan.
Both of them are freaking cute!!! <3

Friday, January 28, 2011

My obsession ! :O

OMFH! can you see this baby? damn he/she's fat! and that's what i loove about her/him. he/she is sooo cutee!! i feel like cutting his/her cheeks and squish them! sometimes when i see fat babies or even kids anywhere i would see myself KICKING, PUNCHING, THROWING, HURTING AND ETC those kids. ok people, im just imagining that im doing that.. dont worry mothers and fathers. i wont hurt ur fat children. (maybe) lol. wokeh, so im obsessed with fat kids. that's normal. i also am obsessed with the colour PURPLE! kalau boleh, aku nak semua benda yg aku ada colour PURPLE. bila aku cakap aku suka PURPLE, mesti orang tnya "kau suka PINK tak?" and i will feel like "wadafak man!!" PINK? are you serious? dude, pahleeesee! I HATE THE COLOUR PINK!!! got it? ooh yaa! another thing.. I LOVE MY DAMN WEBCAM! most of the pics at facebook are from my best friend the WEBCAM! err.. i think this is enough kot. i've got lots more, just i cant remember it right now. if i do remember, i'll edit this post. :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Merentas the Desa !

woooot! esok MERENTAS DESAA! gila semangat nehh! sebelom ni ada latihan punya, but aku malas nak dtng. bukannya dapat markah pon (kot). yg ni bukan latihan, this is the real deal! dapat markah for RUMAH MERAH bebeh! this Merentas Desa is gonna be my exercise of the year man! tu kira mcm aku dah exercise satu tahun laa, merentas desa bukannya senang. ya allah! menyakitkan fizikal dan mental. hahahah! (ceh! ayat aku) but, esok aku bukan lari. aku jogging, ok not really can say it as walking. lol. im gonna walk not cause im lazy (maybe a little bit) but im walking cause other people and i mean lots of other people are really faster than me. so aku lari sekuat hati aku, macamla aku menang? lebih baik takyah usaha from the start rite? hahah!(ayat aku sungguh memberi motivasi kpda pemalas) yeaa, but atleast aku pegi jugak kann? the thought that counts. bhahaha lol! btw, i hope RUMAH MERAH will freaking arse win!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

The Freaking 'Arseness' of My Damn Stupid Life !

Well, as you can see.. IM USING HARSH WORDS IN THIS DANG ASS POST ! im using harsh words because im angreh. im angry at my shit face brother. he may not be the last one but he's the 2nd last. and you wanna know why im mad at him, well i dont know! we've been fighting our whole lives. some people say that the second and third always fight, but why? right now im not only mad at him, im mad at my parents too. DAMN! aku susah payah dapa t 5A dalam UPSR ntok dpat laptop, but macam takda guna. yea, so i got my lappy. but to me its not fair cause i have to share my fucking hell laptop with people. kakak aku dapat phone time UPSR dia tak share pon? aku kena pulak. yela, aku tau phone  and laptop lain.. but laptop ni hak aku! aku nak bagi rosak ka, repair ka lantak kepala rambot aku laa weh! pastu bila orang lain guna tak betol or guna mcm nak bagi rosak. bapak aku sound aku pulak. like wadafak man! woi bukan aku buat laaa! mmng la tu aku punya, but bukan aku guna time tu. sheish, gedik nak mampoih! pastu cakap "kalau engkau tak pandai  guna, takyah guna". seriously man, lappy tu aku punya laaaaaa! aku dapat 5A tu sbb nak lappy tu jaa. kalau engkau tak bagi aku guna lappy aku, lebih baik aku takyah dapat 5A! kang nnti aku tak bagi orang lain guna, bising pulak aku tak suka share. kalau share merosakkan laptop pulak. ya allah! banyak bunyi la kauu! ni laptop aku kann? aku usaha untok dapat lappy ni kann? so this lappy is mine laa weh! aku nak buat apa, suka hati aku laa! yes, im talking to you mom and dad. i know you guys aren't gonna read my blog, cause you guys dont even know i even have a blog. and you (the person that reading this) may think "peerrgghh! gila babi la minah neh, ckap ngan parents dia cmni. nak mencarut pulak..etc." but hello? kau tu baik sangat ka haa? kau tak penah buat dosa? kau tak penah melawan cakap makbapak? kalau kau takpernah, aku malas nak amek tau! btw, aku cuma mencarut kat atas tu sbb aku tak puas hati. maybe some of you get what im trying to say, and some of you dont. but, whatever laah. aku cuma tau aku type apa benda yg aku rasa mcm nak type, straight from the heart, brain and mouth. this is kinda a safe place to complain about my crappy life. yeah, i think this is enough kot. MY COMPLAINT ENDS HERE.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

NEWBIE (again)

Well, for some of you people im just some stranger. but actually...i am! okok, im Shahira Mahirah. im new here, well not really. this is actually my 2nd blog. my first one got "bitch slapped by Google" (err..what?). even i dont know what that means. so, i dont use the other one. btw, feel free to follow me. Please and Thank You. :)