Thursday, June 23, 2011


I'm angry, i'm angry because of Angry Birds. You know that game where you kinda like throw those birds at some UGLY STUPID HIDEOUS GREEN PIGS, and you'll eventually get mad because those UGLY STUPID HIDEOUS GREEN PIGS won't die! If you're someone like me, a high tempered person i'm warning you right now. DO NOT PLAY THAT GOOD FOR NOTHING BUT KINDA ADDICTING GAME. It will give you nothing but pain, misery, but sometimes happiness, joy, mix with a little sad, sorrow, disappointment, and sooner or later you'll end up in a room covered with soft stuff that i dont remember what it called. I punch lots of stuff while playing that stupid good for nothing game, sorry stuff that i punch! Yea, so listen to Shahira Mahirah here. Do not, i repeat DO NOT PLAY THE GAME CALLED ANGRY BIRDS !




Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I'm Awesome !

The song that was on my blog Spose - I'm Awesome really relates to me, cause some of the stuff in the song's lyrics describe me. I'm nothing special but i'm awesome. Why am i awesome? It's is because i say that i am and i know i am awesome. P/S: I'm not lying. :p

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bad-mood Week

Gosh, i dunno why but this whole week i've been frowning and doing The Stare a lot! Firstly, i wanna say sorry to Mohar. Lembu, sorry aku buat The Stare tu kat kau for 2 days. Sapa suruh cari pasal dengan aku time Bad-mood Week haa? Padan muka! Back to this post: Time hari Khamis lagi tambah bad-mood nya, with my fight with someone and tambah dengan kena food poisoning lagi. Macam-macamlah jadi! I'm happy around specific people, cause they always make me smile. (yea, you know who they are) Btw, this Thursday i can't describe how i felt during the whole day. It kept changing every minute, and bila lepas sekolah bukak lappy online and i'll open YouTube then listen to sad and depressing songs, something like that laah. It makes me more depressing and sad, which i kinda like. Err. . .GOT NOTHING MORE  TO SAY HERE.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Nicknames :D

Well, today i'm gonna talk/post about some of the nicknames that some of the people around me calls me with. I dont remember all of them, so i'm going to list down some of them. Some of the names are about the same, and some of them no one uses them anymore. But like i said, ALL OF THEM (that i remember).

SM, Lady Gaga, Shahuluk Mahuluk, Shiela Majid,  Katy Perry Majid, Shahiroot, Kicap, Kicap Shorty, Shorty, Apple, Shah, Manirah, Mahiran, Huluk, Mahi-mahi, Mahirah Shahira, Shahira, Esem, ASSem, Kwashiokor, Bibik Saro, Budak Comel, Janda Nepal, Mahirah Ozawa, Dewi Merapu, Adik Sahira, Sahiraaaa, Sahora, Shahir Mahir, Mahir-AH, Kakak Ya, Kakak Adik, Adik, Shera, Shira, Sam, Manly, Bugsy, Shiro Miro, Bucket of Awesomeness, Smahirahahah, BOONCHULAIKANASEPTAKON, Gucci, Awesome, Budak Awesome, Budak Hot, Mata Besar, Pendek, Ping-Pong Eyes, YUNK, Mahilingam, Weng-Wengzz, Se* Maniac, Shit Melekit, Shit Melekat, Pinky, Adik Shasha, Kembar Ayu, Janda Kaki, KAKI. 

Well, those are the names that i can remember. Some of them i love, some i like, some i kinda like, some kinda hate, and some i really hate! If i remember more of the names that people call me, i'll type it in. :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Love songs . .

Uhhh, idk why but time cuti ni most of the songs i'm listening to is LOVE SONGS! Shasha's like "Awwww, sweet la lagu ni. Comei and BLABLABLA" and i'm like "Urh." and I realised that i cant really relate to some of those songs. But those songs are . .  how do you say it? Argh, senang cerita lagu tu sedap. Haaaa, malas nak speaking ni. Haha, boithahway have a nice holiday. Yea aku tau dah nak habis, salah ka aku nak kau ada nice holiday? Sheesh man/woman! Opppss, dah tukar topic. :p