Sunday, February 27, 2011

I am a Buck Toothed Girl and I'm proud !

I'm proud to be a Buck Toothed Girl. Here's why. First, can you see that picture up there? Do you know who's teeth is that? It's Lady Gaga's teeth ! Hoyeaahhh, she's just like me. She too is a Bucked Tooth Girl. It's damn Lady Gaga people. Masa tu dia ada cakap yg dulu dia selalu kena ejek sbb gigi dia tu then dia ckap suruh tengok dia sekarang, ada dekat cover magazine dohh! (something like that. you paham-paham jela eh?)

Haaaa! Here's another celeb that's a Buck Toothed Girl too. Nama dia Jessie J. Aku suka gila lagu-lagu dia. Damn awesome !!! (Y)

Dulu aku plan nak pakai BRACES, but tak jadi. Sebab aku tanya orang yg pakai braces semua cakap sakit. Mmng la sakit, aku tau laa! But... alaaa!!! Lagi satu reason sbb tak jadi cause aku rasa macam tak perlu. Lantak la orang nak ejek aku Rabbit, Tupai, Gigi Besar, etc. Tah, korang yg ejek tu lagi HINA dari aku, mcm TAIK ANJING!!! Mula-mula aku plan nk pakai sebab aku rasa braces tu cantik and kinda cool. Rasa mcm syok kalau pakai. But, setakat tu ja baik takyah rite? I'm awesome just the way i am, with braces or without them. Kalau engkau ejek aku mesti engkau jelaous, aku tau laa! Bhahaha :p

Saturday, February 26, 2011

E X A M !!

Ooh shoot! It's coming, the thing that we have to take that ask us to hold a pen or pencil and write down or color a circle on a piece of paper. Hell yeah! It's the EXAM!! 
Hadomak, aku tak prepare apa-apa lagi dohh. Study pon tak sangat, takot aku. Plus, parents aku cakap kalau aku tak dapat 5A diorang tarik Lappy Kesayangan aku nii! Alaaa, nanti aku nak online guna apa? Guna jamban? Nak nangis akuu! :'(

Sekarang aku kena STUDYSTUDYSTUDY!! EXAM wehh, kau jangan mein-mein. Lappy aku kena tarik kang, aku pegi sepak sapa yang kacau aku study tuu. Allahuakhbar, aku paling takot Math, Geo, Sejarah and maybe Science. Ada lagi kot yang aku takot, but entahla. Buat masa ni, tu ja. 

Monday, February 14, 2011

I miss the good old days. :'(

Oh, damn. How i miss the good old days. Where everything was sunshine and happy and stuff. When we were kids, everything was going the way we wanted it to be. All the grown ups are the ones who're always wrong, and we are right. I miss that so much! Now i'm 14, i'm a teenager. All the things that i do will always be wrong. I have to clean up after my little bro and sis. I always fight with my brother, i don't really know why. But he keeps pissing me off! I sometimes feel like killling him. Life as a teen is very hard, and all of the teenagers that are reading this probably would have known that. Our parents don't agree with us, it's like the circle of nature. Even when we are right they think that we are wrong. But what can we do? If we say anything they will ground us rite? We can't win in any ways! Us teens have an awful life. I don't care if you wanna act like your life is perfect and wonderful, but i know that you must be suffering inside. When we were small, we played outside. Now we just sit inside using the computer or doing our homework! Argh! homeworks, don't even get me started on homeworks. They are just a pain in the neck!

Now, kids are acting more like teens. They are getting shorter and ruder, i read that at somewhere. Kids now days have BF and GF. What's up with that? Some of the 4th and 3rd graders in my van can swear and cuss. Who the hell teach them those words? I blame their parents but mostly their brothers and sisters. 

Some of you may have seen this pic before right? How rude is this damn kid! Dulu, budak-budak baik ja, taktau apa-apa pon. Taik pon makan, sekarang perangai macam apa entah. Semua benda dia tahu, semua perkataan dia tahu. Ish ish ishh, apa nak jadi haa? Even my lil bro is one of these rude kids. Maybe this is the reason why sometime i feel like killling him. But who knows rite? Anyway, i just wish that i can turn back time and have fun when i was little. Where i dont even know the meaning of STRESS.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


OMFH! NeverShoutNever/ Never Shout Never. Damn, i admire the lead singer.
He looks just like JORDAN WITZIGREUTER <3 
Jordan is from The Ready Set, i admire him too. Especially his two front teeth. Awww! damn cute!

Arrgghhhhh! they aree sooo cute! both of them look almost the same. and both of them are really really close, i dunno if they're brothers or cousins or even close friends. but who cares, as long as they're cutee!

Chris is the one wearing the GREEN hat, and the other one is Jordan.
Both of them are freaking cute!!! <3